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Cat’s diphtheria of disease symptoms

Symptoms of Feline Diphtheria — Cats are one of the most loved pets among all of us these days. But just as there are different folk tales about cats, there are also different folk tales and beliefs. Yet cats are found in more or less everyone’s home these days. Because the cat feels like a cat and no other animal today.

But do you know how much danger can be from the cat? If you don’t know, then finish reading this entire article today. Today’s article discusses the dangers or risks of owning a cat in detail.

How much danger can be from cats?

Did you know that cats are carriers of diphtheria? In addition, cats carry a parasite called “Toxoplasma gondii”. Toxoplasma gondii is a disease caused by a single-celled parasite called toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis parasites live in the mouth and faeces of all cats, healthy or sick. Moreover, sometimes this parasite also sticks to the cat’s body. When we caress our cats with our hands rather than on our laps, these germs that come into contact with our hands can easily enter our bodies through food and drink.

(Read more about what to do if your cat is vomiting.)

What happens when “Toxoplasma gondii” occurs?

University of California animal pathology researcher. According to Barter, women with Toxoplasma gondii are at risk of recurrent miscarriage. Moreover, due to this disease, pregnant women can give birth to stillborn babies. On the other hand, this disease can cause cysts on the head of men. The main symptom of cysts in men is excessive headache in men for a few days.

However, if the pain is prolonged or increases day after day, then a doctor should be consulted. Doctors ask to do multiple tests like CT scans, and MRIs to check if the cyst has occurred. But if one has a brain cyst, then the normal life of the patient is disrupted.

When children are in close contact with cats that carry the Toxoplasmosis parasite, children develop swollen lymph nodes, fever, and enlarged spleens. Worryingly, most cats can harbour this bacterium. As a result, you and your family are at risk of contracting such a serious disease from your pet cat.

(Read more: Is your cat suffering from respiratory problems?)

Diphtheria from cat dander

Moreover, cat dander can cause diphtheria and asthma. In short, close contact with cats can cause asthma, diphtheria, bipolar disorder (in simple words, if a person’s mood, emotions or mental state reverses for a long time, it is called bipolar disorder), and schizophrenia.

The mentioned problems were researched by special scientists in the United States and then this information was reported in the PTI magazine. In addition, the researchers of the Stanley Medical Research Institute of the United States reviewed the data of several previous studies on the link between pet cats and schizophrenia in childhood and found that some boys or girls who had the habit of petting cats in childhood are at risk of mental illness later in life.

Researchers say three separate studies have found that boys and girls from families with cats in their childhood are more likely to develop schizophrenia or other mental illnesses later in life. And this research report has been published in the journal called Schizophrenia Bulletin.

What is Corynebacterium ulcerans?

Corynebacterium ulcerans is a type of bacteria related to C. diphtheria. And this bacteria is the main cause of diphtheria disease. Once the C. ulcerans bacteria enters the body, it can produce toxins that cause diphtheria. Therefore, C. ulcerans bacteria is currently one of the main causes of diphtheria-like diseases among people in some regions.

Current diphtheria vaccination

However, diphtheria vaccination is now available everywhere with success. C. ulcerans is usually spread by consuming contaminated milk or dairy products. However, rates of infection with C. ulcerans from dogs and cats are known to be much higher. But many people still do not know that this disease can spread from cats.

According to a recent report, a woman in Germany developed a diphtheria-like illness with symptoms such as sore throat, earache, hoarseness and nasal congestion. A sample of tissue from the woman’s nose and throat revealed that she was infected with C. ulcerans bacteria. To find out the cause of her infection with this C. ulcerans bacteria, some hair samples were collected from the nose and throat of a cat in her house and the lab test showed that her cat was also infected with C. ulcerans bacteria.

C. ulcerans bacteria

However, with this type of test, we cannot prove for sure that it was the cat that infected the woman. Because the cat was healthy and the test was done after the woman became ill, doctors could not say for sure that the cat was the only source of the bacteria. Because cats can also be infected by C. ulcerans bacteria. which may already exist in women.

But this report was a very good report. Because this also creates a possibility of the woman being infected by the cat. So even though petting a cat is a very enjoyable activity, you should always be aware that you may contract diphtheria through it. Moreover, it is important to remember that C. ulcerans bacteria is a deadly bacteria, although it is a rare bacteria.

However, the evidence that C. ulcerans bacteria are associated with pets such as dogs and cats and that C. ulcerans bacteria can also be present in healthy cats is reasonable.

(Want to know how to reduce cat hits? Then read this article of ours)

Medical specialist

Whenever you ask a medical professional about the C. ulcerans bacteria, he or she will probably say that it is a newly discovered rare bacterium. In this case, since we now know from various research and reports that C. ulcerans bacteria can cause diphtheria infection in humans and can be transmitted from our favourite cats, so even though C. ulcerans bacteria is rare, you can never be careless. Also, since C. ulcerans bacteria is found in many cats these days and many people can be infected by it, owners who are in contact with infected cats are especially at risk, so it is best to get your cat tested for C. ulcerans bacteria.

What are the symptoms of feline diphtheria?

Although most cats infected with C. ulcerans bacteria do not appear ill, some cats may experience mild illness with a fever that lasts about 2-3 days. However, in many cases, your cat is infected with C. ulcerans bacteria, which can cause more serious symptoms, including vomiting, red eyes, swollen lymph nodes, mild fatigue and loss of appetite.

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